Most people live their lives as if there were no God. It doesn't mean they don't believe in a God or that there CAN be a God out there somewhere. But these questions doesn't influence them or have an affect on their everyday lives.
Now I'm not thinking about influence on morality and weather they act good or bad (most people manage to be concerned about these questions without having a God-belief). But I'm talking about the awareness that IF there is a God there somewhere, and IF this God could be a God that is possible to get just a tiiiiny grip on, then what then?
(Some would now say: Yes, but I don't at all believe in a God, I am an atheist. Well, that's all right. I'm sure I will write an article about atheism as well some day, but this one isn't about those who believe they already KNOW there isn't a God.)
This article is rather addressed to those who hold the possibility open that there might be a God, but they don't know for sure... Or to those who say, yes, I believe there is a God, but I'm actually not so concerned with what it has to do with me personally, other than that it's relieving to know that I'm not the smartest creature in the universe!!
So, then to my topic again: IF there is a God, and if this God isn't so diffuse that we're not at all able to find out whether he exists or not, then how would that effect our lives?
Let's pretend this God really stands behind our existence as mankind and is the creative force behind the big bang or whatever it was that made «nothing» (a non-existent universe) become «something» (an amazingly complex universe that in last instance made it possible for you and me to exist - and in last, last, laaast instance also made it possible for you to sit here and read these words from me right now!)).
And suppose there is a reason why we find beliefs of gods in all of ancient history, a faith in that it's possible to get in touch with this God or gods. Maybe God wanted the humans to know that he existed and made sure to leave footprints throughout the history? Imagine that this God behind it all didn't just hide in behind some clouds after he was done with his creative process, but actually wanted interaction between him and his creation.
Suppose he, as the ultimate Father of mankind, also would posess the qualities of a father (in off course a more exalted and perfect way than us limited and (sometimes) not perfect humans). And just as a father cares so much about his children and is so proud of being their father (although they sure are "just" a product of their parents), God also would be exited about us little creatures here on planet earth. What if our ability as social human beings to create friendships and to form families and build societies, really would be a reflection of the God behind us? Would it really be SO strange to imagine that if this God created us with personality and the ability to love, he himself would be a God with a personality and the ability to love us...?
So here we have this possibility that God could be more than just an impersonal force, that he actually could be interested in us as a loving "family"-father. Wouldn't this then have an influence on our lives, on our world-view, on our God-relation?
I would claim that many believe in such a God (or hope that there is such a God) without really taking the consequences of those thoughts. I had believed in God all my life, but it wasn't until someone made me aware of the fact that if this God I believe in, really is GOD, then there is a whole world of things yet to be discovered, that I actually began to experience him in my everyday life!
So my few words of wisdom to you today is this: If God really is GOD, then it might be time to take it serious and ask him to be God in YOUR life as well;)
Lots of love from someone who is loved by someone who says He is love...
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