Yesterday I read on the Internet that 24 June would be the last asparagus day in Germany.
So I thought to myself "It's now or never" and bought a booklet with asparagus receipts - and of course asparagus!
For the first time in my life I was going to cook something with these strange vegetables, popping up the early summer days and disappearing again almost before you get the chance to buy them!
This is how I made my lovely German "Spargelpasta"-meal:
1. Rinse and peel the asparaguses and boil them in a pan filled with water + salt, sugar and butter added (1 tablespoon each), ca. 15 min
2. Cook the pasta!
3. Fry the asparaguses in oil and add ca 200 dl cream + a half box of "Brunch" (a mixture of creamed cheese, yogurt and I don't know what - you can use something else if you're not in Germany)
5. Mix it all together and garnish with cherry tomatoes
6. Enjoy the meal with a glass of "Apfelschorle" - pure, sparkling apple juice (sorry mate if you don't live in Germany, then you have to drink something unhealthy as a substitute to this lovely non-sugar-added drink)
Thanx to Esther, who told me how to make the cream sauce:)
For Facebook: To see the original post, please visit my blog
Denne siden er dedikert til alle hobbyfilosofer og andre sære mennesker med en merkelig trang til å finne ut av hva som er pointet med hele tilværelsen og andre eksistensielle spørsmål...
onsdag, juni 24, 2009
tirsdag, juni 09, 2009
I've made a new song:)
It's been quite a while now since I've written a song, but 14 Mai a new one popped up - my first song made on a ukulele:
like a raindrop falls to the earth
falls to the earth without knowing
you are flying along with the birds
but you forgot to ask where they're going!
don't you remember
you once used to say
that you would never stop searching
for the right way
dare to believe me
when I'm telling you
there's so much more to life than this
I assure you that if you just take off
you'll go beyond your wildest dreams
Like a puppet stuck in a show
you have been dancing for others
it's time to find out if it's a lie
that has kept you from leaving your brothers
don't you remember
you once used to pray
just turn over and head
for the highway
dare to believe me
when I'm telling you
there's so much more to life than this
I assure you that if you just take off
you'll go beyond your wildest dreams
Fly with me
friend, have I ever lied to you?
Fly with Him
trust is a life time thing
Like a raindrop in my hand
you don't have to fall anymore
you don't have to go
with the others
© mc studio 2009
like a raindrop falls to the earth
falls to the earth without knowing
you are flying along with the birds
but you forgot to ask where they're going!
don't you remember
you once used to say
that you would never stop searching
for the right way
dare to believe me
when I'm telling you
there's so much more to life than this
I assure you that if you just take off
you'll go beyond your wildest dreams
Like a puppet stuck in a show
you have been dancing for others
it's time to find out if it's a lie
that has kept you from leaving your brothers
don't you remember
you once used to pray
just turn over and head
for the highway
dare to believe me
when I'm telling you
there's so much more to life than this
I assure you that if you just take off
you'll go beyond your wildest dreams
Fly with me
friend, have I ever lied to you?
Fly with Him
trust is a life time thing
Like a raindrop in my hand
you don't have to fall anymore
you don't have to go
with the others
© mc studio 2009